
Bravo #199 (SER)

Scans by: .::*:: Oceana ::*::. @ THSerbia

Tokio Hotel: Braća u publici!

Do sada smo blizance iz grupe Tokio Hotel viđali samo na pozornici! Ali na ovoj fotki, Billa (20) i Toma Kaulitza (20) vidimo u publici kao obične fanove. Naime, njih dvojica prisustvovali su koncertu američke pop legende Princea (52) u Berlinu. Bill je posle svirke izjavio: "Bilo je zaista fenomenalno!".

Slika blizanaca: "Vau, ala praši!" Bill i Tom (sa kapama na glavi) dive se Princeu na koncertu u Berlinu.

Slika Princea: Prince je pevao svoje velike hitove poput "Purple Rain".

Tokio Hotel: Brothers in the audience!

We could only see the famous Tokio Hotel twins on stage so far! But, on this photo, Bill (20) and Tom Kaulitz (20) are seen as fans in the audience. They attended the concert of the American pop legend Prince (52) in Berlin. When the concert ended, Bill declared: "It was truly fenomenal!"

The picture of the twins: "Wow, he really rocks the stage!" Bill and Tom (who are wearing hats), admire Prince on the concert in Berlin.

The picture of Prince: Prince performed his big hits, such as "Purple Rain".

Translation by: .::*:: Oceana ::*::. @ THSerbia

1 comment:

  1. Volela bih da su o njima napisali malo više, ili objavili poster. Dugo nisu.
